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  公司电话: 010-6594 5597
首 页< 产品中心<常用耗材<日本Watson高端耗材

日本WATSON 2.0ml/1.0ml 外旋冻存管 (可立,全灭菌)

Cryo Tubes

Vial for cryopreservation in the vapor phase of
liquid nitrogen(at -196℃)

High sealing with 2 claws on the tube prevents
sample leakage in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen.
Cryo tube is designed to pursue usability -
It can be filled liquid sample to the maximum capacity
and matched with various racks.

Cap lock mechanism
Cap lock mechanism

Tube has small protuberance on both of body and cap.
As a result, this tube has high sealing effect and it’s possible to prevent sample leakage.

Can fill liquid sample to
the maximum capacity
sample to the maximum capacity

The scale is marked on vial’s body.
It’s possible to fill liquid maximum capacity.

Characteristic Bottom shape
Characteristic Bottom shape

Idle ratation is prevented by characteristic bottom shape when using this.
It’s possible to match with various rack cryo tube.

Flat Cap
Flat Cap

Flat cap allows writing with the pen.


Cryo Tube Cap with Inner Screw

Innerscrew1mL Innerscrew2mL
Able to store tube by using cane

Able to store tube by using cane.


1 tube opener as tube accessories is attached per 500 tubes.

Cat. No. Item   Unit Case
1396-101S Cryo Tube 1.0 mL, Self-Standing,
Cap with Inner Screw
20 pieces / bag 25 bags
1396-201S Cryo Tube 2.0 mL, Self-Standing,
Cap with Inner Screw
20 pieces / bag 25 bags

Cryo Tube Cap with Outer Screw

Outerscrew1mL Outerescrew2mL

Able to store tube by using cane.
But complete storing the tube is obstructed by cap.
*This is a general phenomenon.

Cat. No. Item   Unit Case
1396-100S Cryo Tube 1.0 mL, Self-Standing,
Cap with Outer Screw
20 pieces / bag 25 bags
1396-200S Cryo Tube 2.0 mL, Self-Standing,
Cap with Outer Screw
20 pieces / bag 25 bags
Cryotube Box

Cryo Tube Cap Opener for Inner Screw type

Inner Screw type is able to be closed tightly to have high sealing effect.
However, there are cases that Inner Screw type close too tightly to open by hand.
At the time, Inner Screw type isable to be opened easily by using this opener.
Easy to open the cap without direct touch by hand.
Material: virgin polypropylene (autoclavable)
*Only use for cryo tube of cap with Inner Screw.
(1396-101S, 1396-201S)


(back side of cap)
There are grooves that is able to grip the cap certainly.

Cat. No. Item Unit
175-20B Cryo Tube Cap Opener for Inner Screw type 5 pieces / bag

微生物菌种鉴定分析微生物组分析微生物检测分析 动植物基因组分析转录调控
















   真菌基因组de novo测序







   动植物基因组de novo测序










   Small RNA测序



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